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  1. A

    Atheists, how can you ignore various bible prophecies that came true why...

    At some points in the next few days you, Tom Allen, will eat some food, drink some water and spend some time asleep. If these prophecies come true you will surely have to abandon your Christian faith and begin worshipping me as god, how else could I have made such accurate predictions?
  2. A

    Dark Knight on Blu Ray?

    Definitely, I got it for Christmas and absolutely loved it. I cannot recommend it strongly enough
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    Since United Kingdom is quite small, wouldn't you bump into celebrities all the time?

    It may be smaller than some countries, but its still quite big. The UK has an area of 94,526 square miles and London has an area of 614 square miles and a population of around 8 million so its not that common. In all my time in the country I have only seen one celebrity, it was Emma Watson from...
  4. A

    Since United Kingdom is quite small, wouldn't you bump into celebrities all the time?

    It may be smaller than some countries, but its still quite big. The UK has an area of 94,526 square miles and London has an area of 614 square miles and a population of around 8 million so its not that common. In all my time in the country I have only seen one celebrity, it was Emma Watson from...