Search results

  1. D

    Poll: What trends are you tired of?

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    Overworked Mother/Housewife's first vacation to Miami(SOBE) Best Place To Stay?

    Disney world they have this Polynesian Hotel that's great it features a swimming pool, Hawaiian cookouts, and threes Downtown Disney which has every kind of club you can think of from every era 60s,70s,80s, 90s. 2000- 2009 and all kinds of adult theme parks...
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    Poll: The Body Parts Truck is Outside .....?

    Replace my tummy please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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    Does anyone else think Taco Bell smells like B.O?

    Hell yeah i use tell my hubby that and he use to laugh at me I'm glad someone finally agrees with me.
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    You people do know that Abraham Lincoln was a republican right?

    Your a perfect example of all in the kool aid not knowing the flavor the parties were revised during that time.