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  1. D

    LGBT: did any of your parents introduce you to gay people while they thought you... a science experiment? Well, at least he's open to alternative lifestyles. It was his way of teaching you about tolerance. Better than the opposite.
  2. D

    Is being a Homo just a phase?

    No, it's not a phase. Some kids are curious, and that could be a phase. But, strong homosexual feelings that continue are not a phase. You are born homosexual. It's nothing to be ashamed of. People should be proud of what and who they are.
  3. D

    When u leave or go home, do you always mingle with your neighbors?

    never...they're afraid of me. Could it be the nun mannequin in my window or the gargoyles on the porch?
  4. D

    Who's your favorite celebrity?

    Kathy Griffin Johnny Depp Bette Midler Susan Sarandon They're all REAL people, not fake posers.
  5. D

    Does growing up in a Christian home change your ideas of religion and

    Catholic guilt will be with me forever -- they pound that into you. It's like a fungus. Proud to say have not been in any church for over 8 years... It's affected my personality by not trusting ppl very much...esp religious zealots.
  6. D

    Why so much complains on the eight babies?

    Not the same at all.
  7. D

    Poll; Who goes back to complain if the drive thru messes up their order?

    Do you go in or back around? Or do you do like I do and just bit*h and do nothing because you didn't notice the bag should have been heavier... I've called before to complain and got free I rarely go to MIckey's for breakfast, but did the other day, and they freaking forgot my...
  8. D

    when would you guess i would get my period?

    Unfortuantely you may be surprised. It tends to come at the worst times. Some girls don't get it till they're 17! Depends on if you do sports etc. Relax and carry a mini pad in your backpack. If you get it at school w/o anything along with you, just use some toilet paper and put it in your...
  9. D

    Dark Shadows fans - I heard awhile ago they were making this old series into a movie?

    And Johnny Depp was cast as Barnabas? Was I hallucinating?
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    Ever notice that you get along better with other people if they're also...

    ...animal lovers? I know, I do. I mean you can tell if you'll like a person, pretty much, when you talk to them for a bit. But, it normally always turns out I like people who are animal lovers right from the start. And, when my daughter brings over new friends, i tend to judge them by how...
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    What do you do when you're bisexual, and your mum is totally against it?

    Your mother isn't you and she's not living your life, she's living hers. She comes from a different generation. Give her time and she'll learn to maybe not accept it fully, but she'll be ok with it, because bottom line - it makes you happy.
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    What celebrity would you go gay for ?

    Shane (character name) from The L word
  13. D

    PDA: Cute or annoying?

    Very annoying.
  14. D

    How old were you when you learned to ride a bike ?

    This is really sad, but I was 12.