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  1. C

    Guys: Why are you so attracted to the bad girls? While the good girls are right

    I personally dont know, I go for what ever girl I find attractive, and emotionally and intilectually capable. (lol this limits my choices even more) more than anything it is most guys instinct to want to screw everything that walks, and the scantily clad woman appear to be giving it more than...
  2. C

    Does smoking weed give you the same cancer risk as smoking cigarettes?

    I am wondering if you smoked a "bowl" of weed, say, once a day, if this would give you the same amount of cancer and health risk as smoking an equivalent amount of cigarettes. I occasionally like to indulge in weed (Please do not judge), and I am wondering if I should cut it out or if it is...
  3. C

    Does smoking weed give you the same cancer risk as smoking cigarettes?

    I am wondering if you smoked a "bowl" of weed, say, once a day, if this would give you the same amount of cancer and health risk as smoking an equivalent amount of cigarettes. I occasionally like to indulge in weed (Please do not judge), and I am wondering if I should cut it out or if it is...
  4. C

    Journalism: Good choice of major for a future career?

    I'm majoring in journalism, and I'm wondering if it was a good move for my career. I've heard that there won't be as many openings in traditional media, it's all going to the online era (online journalism). I'm wondering if this is good or bad, since you can't really enforce a subscription and...
  5. C

    Journalism: Good choice of college major for a future career?

    I'm majoring in journalism, and I'm wondering if it was a good move for my career. I've heard that there won't be as many openings in traditional media, it's all going to the online era (online journalism). I'm wondering if this is good or bad, since you can't really enforce a subscription and...
  6. C

    Help On Introduction Speech?

    Well, for your attention getter, just say something that may shock the audience or people will wonder what in the hell you're talking about. Start off with a story of some sort, like a person was coming home, switched on the lights, and saw a swarm of bugs all over the floor. Just something that...
  7. C

    Future of journalism careers: Good or bad?

    Ok, so I'm a journalism student. I'm wondering if this is a good choice of major. I apologize, I asked this question before but I never got the answer I was looking for. I realize newspapers are going downhill, and it's all going ONLINE- So, does this mean that all the writers and journalists...
  8. C

    The future of journalism careers... good or bad?

    Ok, so I'm a journalism student. I'm wondering if this is a good choice of major. I apologize, I asked this question before but I never got the answer I was looking for. I realize newspapers are going downhill, and it's all going ONLINE- So, does this mean that all the writers and journalists...
  9. C

    Journalism/writing/editing careers.. good or bad future?

    I want to major in journalism, but am a bit afraid of the job prospects. I'm more into writing and editorial, not broadcast. I have heard online is the way it's going, and that's fine because I have a computer science diploma. Still, is the future bright for it? (Okay, I realize newspapers are...
  10. C

    Are there other options with a degree in journalism?

    Are there other jobs you can do with a degree in journalism? Like, if the writing thing totally doesn't work out... something like real estate agents, insurance agents, stuff to do with communications? Also, what's the future like for journalism? I heard it's all going online... is this a good...
  11. C

    Journalism/Writing/Editing jobs... good or bad future?

    I want to major in journalism, but am a bit afraid of the job prospects. I'm more into writing and editorial, not broadcast. I have heard online is the way it's going, and that's fine because I have a computer science diploma. Still, is the future bright for it? (Okay, I realize newspapers are...