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  1. J

    what does it mean when you have a shrine wit sand in a lil tray wit budda...

    also wit a fjord and you have all the trappings for a Norwegian holiday
  2. J

    christians believe jesus had powers and anti christ will have powers too..will...

    No. We pray to Jesus because He IS God, not because of some "powers". I know that the concept of the Trinity is beyond most Muslims, but c'est la vie. Personally, I have trouble understanding why you guys venerate a black stone in Mecca and bow down before it. Won't *that* upset God? Isn't it a...
  3. J

    Do christians worship different gods since there is more than one christian

    No. None of these denominations have different views on God, the differences between them are minor and ritualistic.
  4. J

    Is Judaism a type of Gnostcism? If not why not?

    Err, no. It is more accurate to say that Gnosticism is an amalgam of Christianity and Judaism + other weird beliefs.
  5. J

    Does the story of creation for roman catholics different from other...

    The Christian creation story is the same regardless of denomination (Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox). The creation story in Islam is similar, but different, than that of Christianity.
  6. J

    Miss California, Honestly a christian?!?!? lolll?

    It is not my place to decide whether she is a Christian or not, but, IMHO, the fact that she was targeted for expressing her opinion about gay marriage is disgusting. Silencing people by trying to smear them because of the opinion they express is a tactic worthy of the mafia (and most corrupt...
  7. J

    Is Islam the only religion that can combat Atheism?

    Neither position is valid.
  8. J

    If the Baha'i Faith is supposed to be an Abrahamic Religion...?

    See, you don't get to tell them what they are or are not. I do not believe in the Baha'i faith, but they get to define their identify anyway they want.
  9. J

    Do you think the relationship between theist and atheist will work?

    Simple answer: No. More complex answer: It depends on how religious or "militant atheist" the partners are.
  10. J

    Why is it that when you ask a question about religion people always assume you are...

    Psst, your are currently ranting. If you want people to not accuse you of ranting, you should look up its definition and then refrain from doing it. edit: Let me help you with that:- intransitive verb 1 : to talk in a noisy, excited, or declamatory manner 2 : to scold vehemently Note that...
  11. J

    So if Islam is the "religion of peace", why does it recommend that apostates and...

    They have a different definition of peace, obviously.
  12. J

    What percentage of priests do you think have had sex or commited sexual abuse?

    And your guesses are based on? You can only answer this question if you have a crystal ball (or if you have an agenda and are trying to push it), otherwise the only only truthful answer is "I don't know".
  13. J

    If you consider western civilization as formal religion?

    That's only your paranoia speaking. Here is mine 1) Freedom of religion 2) Freedom of expression 3) Gender equality 4) Democracy 5) Economic prosperity 6) Scientific ingenuity 7) Culturally developed 8) Civilized
  14. J

    Muslims, does "respect of religion" include respecting all religions, or?

    do you get to pick and choose which religions to respect. Specifically, is banning the Bahai faith in Islamic countries a form of respect? I am curious to see the reactions to this question in light of this one...
  15. J

    Muslims, how do you feel when you look at videos on the internet of people

    I really do not care if she is going to heaven or not. Stoning people for "moral" offense is disgusting and barbaric. BTW, I will not watch the clip, I just had a snack and want to retain it in my stomach.
  16. J

    Is it a Christian conspiracy to get rid of atheists by way of liver cirrhosis?

    Yes. Can I offer you a drink? PS: If not, may I interest you in my new experimental hepatitis vaccine?
  17. J

    ISLAM (the religion of peace) & Misconceptions due to media?

    Perhaps the smile is caused by brain damage. PS: Solicitation, rants and chats are against community policy.
  18. J

    Is Islam the true religion? many of the religions prophecies are coming true...?

    What prophecies? And Islam is certainly a religion, I just don't agree that it is divinely inspired.
  19. J

    how did religions began to draw pictures Jesus and everybody else how they are in

    Each culture represents their religious symbols differently. So you will see a decidedly Aryan Jesus in Europe and North America, but a black Jesus in Brazil. It all good. The symbols have no inherent meaning, it is the ideas behind them that matter.