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  1. A

    Restoring a laptop to factory default settings using an external...

    yes do what shaft told you
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    please help me. i need driver for matshita sr-8171 DVD ROM and the last firmware
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    If there is ever a OS in the future that requiers 20 GB ram and if i have 2gb ram...

    I will wait to the future to let you know.
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    Im running Vista on my pc and having problems with my hard drive, I wish to

    When you run fdisk you create Dos partition which vista does not recognize vista only run on NTFS partition . any way if you for any reason want to run fdisk you have to start computer with floppy or cd you get to drive a:\ now you are in dos enviroment just type a:\fdsk press enter then follow.
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    What does it mean when my computer says "running low on disk space"?
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    where too find a free download of media center extender for pc?
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    where too find a free download of media center extender for pc?
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    She's pegged it, hasn't she :( ...?

    try to re install the video card driver if that doen't solve the problem the video card is going bad.
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    Webcam driver for toshiba satellite a200-09v?
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    Corrupt computer or bad internet?

    install java from