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  1. T

    Why does my Indian green ring neck always makes this Noise.Please answer Easy 10...

    nothings wrong with her, birds are just noisy
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    How to keep my cat from pooping in my indoor plants?

    put plastic over the dirt, like seran wrap
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    is it okay to kill animals with a gun?

    I think its o.k. as long as you eat them. If we didn't they would be over populated, can't eat something thats been poisoned
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    what's wrong with my pet rat? :(?

    sounds like you spoil him, he don't want his food he wants what you give him
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    what's wrong with my pet rat? :(?

    sounds like you spoil him, he don't want his food he wants what you give him
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    Is there a pill or topical to reduce shedding?

    brush out all the dead hair, long haired dogs do shed
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    Is there a pill or topical to reduce shedding?

    brush out all the dead hair, long haired dogs do shed
  8. T

    Is there a pill or topical to reduce shedding?

    brush out all the dead hair, long haired dogs do shed
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    Is there a pill or topical to reduce shedding?

    brush out all the dead hair, long haired dogs do shed
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    Is there a pill or topical to reduce shedding?

    brush out all the dead hair, long haired dogs do shed