Search results

  1. O

    Which car do you like better? (Pictures Included)?

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    Men: Do you eat fish?

    yes but cooked, please.
  3. O

    If you could sit down and chat with Miley Cyrus...?

    for her dads autograph.
  4. O

    Who do you think is the hottest celebrity?

    nancy pelosi vvvrrrrooooommmmmmm//.....
  5. O

    The ice cream truck just drove by my house 5 minutes ago and now some kid is...

    he prolly broke a tooth on a klondike or something. he will shut up soon ,if not ,squirt him with the garden hose, that outta do it.
  6. O

    If you could have dinner with ONE celebrity.....?

    bill oreilly, so i could throw pie in his face.