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  1. C

    Will a Buick Enclave radio interchange to a Chevrolet Silverado?

    I found a touchscreen radio online that looks to have come from a Buick Enclave (no year given but i'm sure its recent). Found it while looking for the touchscreen radio for my 2011 Silverado 1500. With both being GM products i'm hoping they will interchange
  2. C

    My blackberry bold 9000 is having keyboard issues? it double clicks when i press

    the button once? i got my blackberry bold 9000 two days ago off ebay, it was brand new, and when im typing and press the button once i get 2 of the same alphabets, as if i pressed it twice! any ideas what the problem could be, could be a software or a hardware issue? do you recommend updating...
  3. C

    So it is illegal to download copyrighted material using torrents?

    Then why does everyone keep doing it and never get arrested or even given a warning? I've been using torrents to download tons of copyrighted games and music for 5 years now. If I were actually paying for everything I downloaded, I would have paid about 50 thousand dollars by now. So I owe the...
  4. C

    What's the name of your local book store?

    I go to Barnes and Noble
  5. C

    *POLL*What's your style?

    You can find me in Levis and Tshirts...or shorts and a button up
  6. C

    How do you feel about people who whine?

    They're annoying. What does wining do for an individual?
  7. C

    Is it interesting that 180 people died from swine flu....?

    ...and everybody is now wearing face masks and is afraid to leave their house...but millions of people die from AIDS and barely anyone wears condoms?
  8. C

    How much are you going to laugh at the people who are taking 2012 prophecy seriously?

    ...when 2013 rolls around? I suggest we should point and laugh at them every chance we get.Out on the streets, in the workplace, during sex etc. etc. It would be a good retaliation for 100s of "OMG 2012 is the end of the world?" questions that are posted here like every week. No,paddfoot...
  9. C

    Why do people think I chose to be gay?

    People are just closed minded...It's their way or no way
  10. C

    Do you like "lipstick" lesbians or the "butch" lesbians?

    I feel the same way, I'm gay because I like men...not guys who are sissies .
  11. C

    What's wrong with my cat?

    For some strange reason, my cat goes crazy every now and then. She runs back and forth, jumps all overs couches, attacks anything in sight, all this while her ears are pointed back. She also makes these weird noises, is this something to be worried about or do other cats do it too?
  12. C

    What is better: field trip or party?

    PARTY!!! easier to do.