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    Lg rumor touch problems plz help!!?

    My lg rumor touch will not turn on, it goes to the intro and yhen turns back off..if I plug it in to computer or charger it does the same thing except it says please wait and just stays there.. I tryed hitting the reset button but it doesn't work plz help me figure this out asap!!:(
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    bf arguing with me that a 40 year old having sex with a 17 year old isnt

    That's a guy for you ! Look at the guy that owns playboy he's like 80 & dating a 25 yr old ! But boys/men don't see a thing wrong with it cause they would do it with any girl/women if they could !
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    Fashion. (I've posted this already sorry!)?

    This answers only if you're girly... -------------------------------------------- Nail polish colors.. Yellow, Lime green, Purple, Rusty orange color I usually go to aeropostale or hollister to get my shirts & jackets.. But i go to Jcpeeny to get my jeans...
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    iPod touch internet question?

    I was wanting an iPod Touch, I noticed it has internet, but I was wondering how I use it? I've seen something about portable router or something like that. But does this cost money? Anything else you can tell me about the internet or Youtube for the iPod Touch, I would really appreciate it. -Thanks