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  1. W

    Amazon Marketplace "A to Z" Returns Policy is Ridiculous for Books?

    "'s equivalent to going out to a 5-star restaurant, ordering anything you want, loving the food, and then saying, "I'm not longer hungry. My belly's full. I no longer want/no longer need your services." No, it is equivalent of going to a 5 star restaurant, ordering anything, and getting...
  2. W

    Was this bike abandoned?

    Abandoned property laws vary, but usually require long periods of time before something is considered abandoned. Usually over 1 year. Had you seen the bike there before? If you haven't, then I wouldn't have helped him take the bike. I think he was possibly stealing it, or it may have been a...
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    Would there be a huge outrage, if all the gays in the US moved to a state and...?

    ... created a ballot referendum making marriage only between two members of the same sex, and banning marriages between heterosexual couples.
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    On an employment application if it says to exclude organization names...

    Religious class director maybe, then it is very vague. Or just a class director perhaps. Ask him if he has an official title that is non specific to religion.
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    What is the punishment for stealing a cellphone?

    It is your property even if she is keeping it from you. You could try to call the cops on her. The cops will laugh at her if she tries to say that a spilled drink that ruined her CLOTHES is vandalism of her car. Keep a record of the conversation that proves she has your phone, if you don't have...
  6. W

    Homo sapiens existed for only 200,000 years, while some of our ancestors like

    In the extremely long term, we cannot live on this planet forever. Though we may have plenty of time before it would become non-viable, we will probably kill ourselves in a war or something before. Really, we have more to fear from ourselves than we do from nature. Whether that be wars over...
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    Who can give me the funniest answer. Easy ten points. ?

    Answer field, report box, troll.
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    Atheists: Isn't your presence in R&S like someone walking by a Santa Meet N' Greet

    You mean that everyone at the Santa Meet N' Greet thinks he is real, including all the adults? Your capitalization of 'atheism' makes you probably classify it as a religion as many non-atheists do, so your logic is probably faulty. There are religions that are atheistic as well, or do you forget?
  9. W

    Why do Christians believe in Unicorns?

    Job 39:9-10 (King James Version) Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib? Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee? is the infallible word of God saying there are unicorns when there are not unicorns?
  10. W

    What is a "true atheist?" Christians argue over the meaning of "true christian"

    A 'true atheist' simply doesn't have any belief in gods. In that sense, that is any atheist. That is the only requirement. So I don't think there is a point to saying 'true atheist'. Rejecting god(s) is not believing there are no god(s).
  11. W

    Would you join this religion...?

    Deity: A great Llama with glowing red eyes, standing thrice as tall as any llama here on earth, with silvery shiny fur that appears metallic. (Physically existing) Premise: All those who hail the great Llama's power and benevolence will be protected from harm, and when their mortal lives come...
  12. W

    Does prayer work in religions?

    Prayer can have a self motivation effect, in that sense it works. In the sense does it change what will happen outside of your own mind... no. (You can scientifically test that, have people pray for a random occurring chance, and have a control, and see the result) So beyond people thinking it...
  13. W

    If you lived in a time before your current religion existed...?

    Sorry, nothing existed before my current religion existed. Because I don't have one.
  14. W

    how do i report an internet pedophile, aside from calling the local police?

    No actual crime took place, so there is nothing you can report. If you actually watch Catch a Predator, they aren't able to charge them with anything but something like intent "to commit lewd acts with a minor", the evidence they need that actually can show them proof of their intent is them...
  15. W

    how do i report an internet pedophile, aside from calling the local police?

    No actual crime took place, so there is nothing you can report. If you actually watch Catch a Predator, they aren't able to charge them with anything but something like intent "to commit lewd acts with a minor", the evidence they need that actually can show them proof of their intent is them...
  16. W

    what fish do you suggest for me?

    If you are looking for a single fish, the best choice is a betta. They can live in a bowl, a bigger bowl is better, and they are best when you have a heater for them to, they can gulp air from the surface, so you don't need a filter to help oxygenate the water (but should you be able to afford a...
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    If we eliminate all religion in the world, will this bring total peace

    If an eternal reward is required make people do good, then those people have a problem how they are living.
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    poll: what religion and political party are you?

    Atheist Don't claim myself as any party, nor vote based on parties, I vote based on who will give them best result for me, and who I most morally and socially agree with.
  19. W

    Give me a reason we shouldn't make gay marriage legal that has nothing

    to do with religion or the bible.? Are there any reasons that gay marriage should be banned? Again, just marriage, not the sexual habits of any married person. Yes, marriage is separate from the sex, because saying something about a certain sexual act being wrong you should then push for banning...