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  1. C

    Why are liberals attacking rush limbaugh so fiercely?

    Because they know he has their number and they must shut him up at any cost.
  2. C

    Since the fans do the actual voting on American Idol...?

    Why have these acrimonious, has been "judges" at all?
  3. C

    If it was illegal to buy a non American car would the economy improve?

    It would be called restraint of trade and that's illegal(at least it is here).
  4. C

    Why do you think many Americans have such a warped view of British politics?

    I personally don't have much of a view at ALL of British politics, except when it directly affects me, which is seldom. Oh, and Harry, the queen is just a figurehead; the real governing is done by Parliament, which is not that different from our government.
  5. C

    So if we were experiencing global cooling would you drive an SUV to "do your...

    No, because I would know it's a scam like Global Warming is
  6. C

    Why haven't Repubs complained about all the times Bush spent pork?

    Some have. "There are none so blind as those who will not see".