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  1. C

    Christians, why can't you respect my belief to be anti christian?

    religion is messed up because it is man made and it has many flaws but Jesus is the main focus not religion. i will always point a child to Jesus and if i were a politician or a highly influential person i would try to lead all people to Jesus. tell me how is this wrong?
  2. C

    Except for R& S, how do you witness for Christ?

    usually i wait for some one else to open the door, if i am with a group of people and someone says something about God i put my 2 cents in, if the person is receptive and keeps talking then i keep talking once they become dull and they don't want to hear anymore i just let them do their own...
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    Christians: Why do you allow God to dictate your morality?

    the thing atheist fail to realize is that morality is taught. not evolved or just learned by yourself. this is proven by the fact that you don't have to teach a person how to be bad but you have to teach a person how to be good and just. God gave us a moral guideline to follow because without it...
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    Have you and your friends ever sat down and discussed?

    i am pretty blunt, ill talk about any subject with any person.
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    Have you and your friends ever sat down and discussed?

    i am pretty blunt, ill talk about any subject with any person.
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    Have you and your friends ever sat down and discussed?

    i am pretty blunt, ill talk about any subject with any person.
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    If you consider western civilization as formal religion?

    i agree with yours, our society is a wreck, and only God can fix it
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    Because of the recent set of public shootings in the USA, I wonder if our...

    i agree, it wont be long before Jesus returns
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    Do you avoid ALL religions?

    you shouldnt reject God
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    I have a question on religion?

    i understand where you are coming from. when i was first baptized i still sinned but through the years i started to feel convicted of my sins, God will take you as you are and he will change you only if you want to be changed and you put in a conscience effort God Bless
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    Since most people chose Christianity to be there religion does that mean that

    no, it means that we accepted the truth instead of trying to fight it
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    The religion of pieces strikes again. I thought they were all about peace...

    real followers of Jesus do not burn people
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    Improved life without Religion?

    if there where no believers the human race would have been extinct long ago
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    How many Muslims are willing to give up their religion for a new world religion?...

    i will follow believe and trust Jesus until i see him
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    I grew up with no religion...?

    i dont get upset....i just fel sorry for them because they are willfully sending themselves to hell