Search results

  1. M

    American or British humor?

    I'm american and i don't understand british humor half the time, so i'd say american humor.
  2. M

    Post a picture of your dream car? yumm
  3. M

    Poll: AT&T or Verizon?

    I'd say Verizon. All the people I know with AT&T never get good signal.
  4. M

    Poll: What do you hold most sacred in all or your relationships?

    The word "love". I take it very seriously, and hate how everyone overuses it these days as to where it means nothing to alot of people now.
  5. M

    Do you have some venting to do?

    Lol really? I can?
  6. M

    Survey: Who would join....?

    Yes I would :D
  7. M

    Survey: Who would join....?

    Yes I would :D
  8. M

    Survey: Who would join....?

    Yes I would :D
  9. M

    Survey: Who would join....?

    Yes I would :D
  10. M

    Poll: What is your religion/faith?

    Christian. 2- it's important, but I need to be more religious.