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    how old were you when you first smoked?

    Like 12 but i didnt like it 15 LOVED IT
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    Is my sister even that hot?

    I hate To Break It To You But Your Sister Looks Better Than You...But You Still Look Nice Too! Yo I Can See Why She Gets The Attention Though! Maybe If You Pile Makeup On Like She Does You Could Have People Stare At You All The Time!
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    If polls & surveys got into a fight with religion & surveys who'd win?

    Oh Religion & Spirituals For Sure Those People Are Weird And Crazy And Psycho Over Here We Just Laugh And Chillax...... They Would Murder Us Or Convert Us
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    Do you see in the future or read peoples minds?

    Read Minds For Sure I Really Do Though!
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    lets just say were on a boat and i have to throw someone off?

    Ill Throw You Off Then Throw A Sexy Party!
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    whats your schools cellphone/ipod policy?

    if you get caught with it they take it 3rd time parent gets it 5th time the school keeps it till the end of the semester Texas is so retarded