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  1. K

    Why are there so many mean people in the religion section?

    Some people are just mean. Personality doesn't discriminate (have you seen the finger pointing? It goes many ways).
  2. K

    Is it a sin to be homo but don't act on it?

    Dreamstuff Entity and Michael B have pretty much got it. By the way, if you're referring to Sodom and Gomorrah, here: "This is the sin of Sodom; she and her suburbs had pride, excess of food, and prosperous ease, but did not help or encourage the poor and needy. They were arrogant and this was...
  3. K

    Why do Christians believe bible prophecy is coming true, when they have

    The Bible doesn't state anything specific, just like Nostradamus' predictions and the riddles you see in RPGs, so it's really easy for any of us to take some scripture/prophecy and apply it to anything going on that's "out of the ordinary." If what was thought turns out to be wrong, the blame...
  4. K

    If you come across an answer where someone complains of multiple thumbs downs for it?

    If it's totally irrelevant, yes. Otherwise I give a thumbs up to counter it (^_^)b
  5. K

    Can Evolution and Religion coexist?

    I think if a religion's respective holy text isn't taken literally, it could.
  6. K

    Do science and religion offer different ways of learning about the human...

    I once read an answer in R&S that went something like, "Science teaches how. Religion teaches why."
  7. K

    does Natural selection prove you are not born gay and christians are right it's a

    Being gay has nothing to do with the desire to raise children. Some people are born sterile or born with conditions that make them sterile. What purpose do they serve? Temperament (from psychology) is biological, but not genetic, as can be argued about sexual orientation