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  1. C

    I keep having dreams about zombies - can you interpret them for me?

    Dream 1: First Night) I dreamt that there was a man and a woman who broke up because he kept licking her face (I honestly don't know... -.-) and he stole her horse in return. The woman and her daughter were distraught and so when I found her horse I went to their house to return it (I only...
  2. C

    Do you think the world would be better without religion?

    The world needs education particularly about astronomy, biology, psychology and anthropology. Even a quick lesson will do, I'm certainly not an expert but I've grasped the most basic concepts that thoroughly debunk all religion. Visuals and videos would be perfect. I'm sure there are still...
  3. C

    How do I summon the Ghost of Christian Dior...? Serious Answers Only.?

    Look into the mirror on a moonlit night and say "Couture Couture Couture". Some stylish black candles may help.
  4. C

    Religion and marijuana?

    I'm an atheist and I think there are a lot of good arguments for legalizing cannabis.
  5. C

    When Fox introduces Kirk Cameron as an expert?

    Crocoducks..... *Qua-roooooooar*!
  6. C

    is it bad to think dragonballz should be a religion?

    It's no more ridiculous than any other religion.
  7. C

    What kind of proof would I need to show that I've met with my fiance within...

    Do you have any saved e-mails? (that show dates) Other wise, old bills might show something too.
  8. C

    What is the function of a Vampire's heart?

    well maybe when they become vampires their anatomy sorta changes so that the heart is kinda like a second more important stomach that is meant to pump blood throughout there system for survival. stabbing the heart stops the blood flow and kills the vamp
  9. C

    Global/International/Satellite cell phones?

    You should get any phone. And buy a vodafone line. Its so cheap and good with global calls.