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  1. L

    Is DC Comics Earth One universe the same as Marvels Ultimate Universe?

    I am wondering if the DC Comics Earth One is the same as Ultimate Marvel. They're both ongoing retelling of superheroes origins and stories. Was it meant to be their shot at an ultimate like universe?
  2. L

    What is DC Comics plan with the Earth One graphic novels?

    I am wondering because I love the Earth One universe, Batman Earth One was a phenomenal book. But I am wondering if they plan on continuing the Earth One universe for awhile or is it a two volume thing? I personally would love if they released a new volume every year or two. It's good enough to...
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    Is Green Lantern the start of DC's shared cinematic universe or Man of Steel?

    I am wondering because I heard Ryan Reynolds was set to reprise his role as Green Lantern in Justice League and so was Henry Cavill as Superman. I am wondering if since Green Lantern came out first and Reynolds is playing him again in the JL movie, is Green Lantern meant to be the start of the...
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    What is the legal age to travel without the consent of one parent? (Canada to the...

    ...Netherlands)? Hi, I am 16 and a canadian citizen. I am hoping to travel to the Netherlands for 2 weeks with my father in June. My parents are divorced and share custody of me. Would I need my mother's consent to be able to go? I have an adult passport, if that makes any difference.
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    What Sci-Fi Channel Anime Movie Did I Watch?

    Hellsing? Melty Blood?
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    A dream where I get startled and wake up?

    This doesn't happen often but I get dreams where I accidentally trip and wake up startled before I fall. What does this mean? Does this happen to everyone else too?
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    Where should I go for vacation?

    It has to be somewhere near Georgia. I've been to North Carolina and Tennessee a million times! And no beaches and I'm not going to Florida. Somewhere I can stay for 1 or 2 days maybe even a few days more but somewhere fun, not too hot, and I don't like hiking or anywhere with mosquitoes because...
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    Is Fashion Institute of Technology a good school to learn

    communication/advertising design? I'm currently working on applying to FIT. Is it a good school? What are the advantage and disadvantages?