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  1. B

    Do you need a passport to travel to Canada?

    I hope so! As a court clerk in the UK, I had numerous applications for copies of convictions for speeding for applicants for a visa to enter the USA. If they want to play, it works both ways......
  2. B

    Can I use a Bluetooth dongle to....?

    My wife and I have adjoined computer bays. She seldom uses the net, so only mine is connected. Sometimes, however, my daughter or granddaughters come over and want to use the net when I am busy on there. I have also been given a pretty decent mobile which is Bluetooth. The last...
  3. B

    Could you walk outdoors without footwear?

    I spent 2 years in the Far East (Singapore) wearing flip-flops, if anything. I returned to the UK in summer and was waiting in a shop. I put out a cig end with my bare feet. I wondered why I got really strange looks. I couldn't do it now. Nor would I want to!
  4. B

    where does stereo-types come from?

    The Press. For example, an Alsatian dog savaged a child to death. For the next few months, there were reports of kids being killed by these dogs. This had been going on for years, but all of a sudden, it was news. A kid playing on a site got locked into a discarded 'fridge...
  5. B

    How much should i charge for looking after someones children in the...

    You are on a world-wide web, yet don't state which country you live in. In the UK, I would expect to pay about £25-£40 a day for someone with your qualifications. When you have built up a portfolio of satisfied customers, up your charges. Once you have this (2 years?) you can...
  6. B

    Why is it some folks scream and protest over the use of embryonic stem cells?

    Because most people do not understand the scientific benefits or repercussions of either. They only know what the popular press cares to report.
  7. B

    Why is it some folks scream and protest over the use of embryonic stem cells?

    Because most people do not understand the scientific benefits or repercussions of either. They only know what the popular press cares to report.
  8. B

    Why is it some folks scream and protest over the use of embryonic stem cells?

    Because most people do not understand the scientific benefits or repercussions of either. They only know what the popular press cares to report.
  9. B

    Why is it some folks scream and protest over the use of embryonic stem cells?

    Because most people do not understand the scientific benefits or repercussions of either. They only know what the popular press cares to report.
  10. B

    Why is it some folks scream and protest over the use of embryonic stem cells?

    Because most people do not understand the scientific benefits or repercussions of either. They only know what the popular press cares to report.
  11. B

    Survey: What are the taxes like where you live?

    That's not tough. In the UK, the Prime Minister is going to get everyone's pay put into a central account, and then he will give us pocket money. At the height of the world-wide credit crunch, he has just upped the tax on fuel, which affects just about everything we buy.
  12. B

    There's a girl next door to my house that is playing her car stereo really

    What time you gotta be in bed, sunshine... or should you be on Bebo?
  13. B

    The Irish Blacksmith?

    An Irishman applied for a job as a blacksmith's assistant. "Have you every shoed a horse?" asked the blacksmith. "No" replied Paddy, "But I once told a dog to f... (go away)"