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  1. S

    My wife is upset about this harmless prank I do when we travel?

    Urine is actually sterile so your washing the toilet paper not soiling it, you should try taking a dump on that too.
  2. S

    how does macbeth misinterperate the witches prophecies?

    The prophecy was a self fulfilling prophecy, MacBeth and Lady MacBeth only acted in the first place because of what the witches had foretold, he only acted because he thought that it was destined. Because of MacBeth's belief in the prophecy and in fate, he killed the King, whereas if he was not...
  3. S

    Gender Studies, Is it wrong to laugh at a woman who only has one breast...

    Obviously yes, it is wrong. Breasts and long hair are often the two things that makes a women feel feminine (for most) and breast cancer can take away both. It's like laughing at a guy who has one ball because of testicular cancer, not funny either.
  4. S

    How can I make it so my PS3 bluetooth headset doesnt pick up everything in thats...

    ...making noise? I have the PS3 official bluetooth headset and it picks up about everything going on in my house I dont know how to turn it down so itll only pick up my voice. Also how do you charge it extra points if you answer correctly do you just put it in the cradle?
  5. S

    How can I make it so my PS3 bluetooth headset doesnt pick up everything in thats...

    ...making noise? I have the PS3 official bluetooth headset and it picks up about everything going on in my house I dont know how to turn it down so itll only pick up my voice. Also how do you charge it extra points if you answer correctly do you just put it in the cradle?
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    what are some interesting topics on combustion reactions?

    its for a yr 8 science progress so not too complex but just enough to earn an A at yr 8 level in Australia
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    is fashion bad for you?

    its for a debate im negative thanks