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  1. S

    Looking for an audiophile to explain auto subwoofers a bit and also how to get the

    The thump comes from a ported box. You'll have to get a box tuned correctly for your sub or you'll destroy it. The information should be on the manufacturer's web site - if not call them and see what they suggest. The box is the biggest bang for your buck. Get the largest diameter sub you can...
  2. S

    is my marlboro menthol pack still smoke-able ?

    They'll just taste stale. It won't kill you - at least not for awhile anyway.
  3. S

    Do you think that the Compass is an obimination to the good Jeep name?

    I think Chrysler is an abomination to the good Jeep name.
  4. S

    if you hook up a 200w 4ohm head to a 400w 8hm cab is it ok?

    No, not OK. The ohms represent the resistance (in the case of speakers, its called impeadence). The higher the value, the harder it is for current to flow through it. Your head is designed to drive speakers that have 4 ohms of impeadence. Your cab has 8 ohms of impeadence. Your head will have to...