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  1. J

    Why did liberal talk radio fail?

    I was thinking because it didn't have pictures. What's your opinion? .
  2. J

    Right now the Democrats are only one seat away from stopping any

    They got 57, they got 2 left leaning Independents. They got at least 5 RINO's. they got it all in the senate... Maybe the 0bama should consider the agenda so far into the loon farm that even his own party is rejecting it. .
  3. J

    Are you looking forward to the massive tax hikes?

    No. I am hardly making it now. I will be out catching the geese in the park by mid winter!. they hang around their for free food and free warm water... They won't fly south like the rest, that's too much work. They are democrat geese. .
  4. J

    Why does Obama still smoke when he knows it has a fairly high likelihood of...

    Tobacco is a very addictive substance . It does not influence judgment skills. .
  5. J

    Obama eligibility rally October 23rd, 2010 in Washington DC. Will you be attending?

    I will be there in spirit. We should all defend the Constitution against evil played against it by all levels of government. .
  6. J

    "Recession Officially Ended June 2009" so what will rightwingers whine about now?

    The democrats and the democrat supporting news media will say anything. Unemployment is pushing near 10%.... there is no recovery ending, no whan we spend and borrow and all the things you have been countering all this time. the stuff still exists. The economy still stinks. .
  7. J

    Why does 0bama whine about GOP partisan politics because the GOP doesn't support...

    ...the democrat's partisan bills? The democrats are an easy one single senate RINO vote away from getting anything they want passed through both houses. There are 5 real easy RINO votes to be had, and exemplified by the Kagen vote: Graham, Lugar, Snowe, Collins. Gregg. They always play ball...
  8. J

    Would 0bama still whine about GOP partisanship if just one senate RINO went democrat?

    Arlen Specter went democrat. The democratic stronghold Massachusetts put a Republican into Teddy's old seat. Does it seem the excuses are engineered to explain away why his party isn't backing him? No GOP votes needed in the House. In the Senate, there are 57 senate democrats and also two...
  9. J

    How does unemployment benefits create jobs faster then almost anything else?

    Nancy Pelosi said about unemployment: “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.” It seems that the legal weed...
  10. J

    Is there a protocol for newbie Y!APers?

    There's no pecking order on here. Although some people like to think there is. Don't be intimidated by those self proclaimed masters. They are probably the same people who claim to have been using the internet since 1975. Yeah, right. (idiots)