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  1. L

    How is the civil union (i.e. gay marriage) treated in the UK rules of succession?

    there are no laws to remove homosexuals from secession no it is a civil union not a marriage, there are no rights accrued by a spouse everything is derived through the blood secession, titles and everything else is at the discretion of monarch
  2. L

    Are the Somali "pirates" just trying to protect their shores from illegal dumping...

    no they are outside territorial waters to escape the pirates, even if they were ever country in the world its allowed and no taxes are allowed to be charged no fishing boats have been fishing within somali waters when captured there is no evidence any radioactive waste has ever been dropped in...
  3. L

    Not wanting to have sex the night you get engaged?

    like back and let him for gods sake its 20 minutes how selfish
  4. L

    New fashion for guys. Tights?

    i think your not female but a cross dressing guy