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  1. A

    Have you noticed that people who gossip a lot are really creepy?

    What do you say..tonight you and me and your toes on my lips ?
  2. A

    What program can I use to run my downloaded torrent of Amnesia: The Dark Decent?

    utorrent is the best, the person who gave thumbs down is a moron, don't worry, its fantastic
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    my 16 year old son wants 2 join the army wen he's old enuff,but i dont want him

    Ultimately, he will make his decision. Until he is 18, try and tell him how you feel and see if he will go your way. Me, personally...I would not let my children into the army. No way in hell. Even if they're 18, I would be pissed, because I would not feel comfortable w/ dat. Watch this movie...