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  1. M

    Is it true that Johnny Depp has never watched one of the movies he's starred in?

    Probably.Bill Cosby only watched the last Cosby Show episode during its 10 year run back in the 80s.
  2. M

    Trivia: Which one of the following people has NEVER kicked out of Undertaker's

    I'm going to take a wild guess and say Lex Luger because I don't remember Luger having a match with Taker to begin with though they may have and I just didn't see or heard of it.Am I wrong?
  3. M

    Why is it so wrong for a man to love Jesus Christ?

    Why is it so wrong for man not to believe in him?
  4. M

    Is believing in prayer to God to show me my future through my dreams...

    Dreams can be fulfilled.....if you have the courage to peruse them...... ***Walt Disney
  5. M

    LG Cookie or Samsung Tocco Lite?

    Samsung products are the best!!!!