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  1. R

    The Occupy Movement led to Left Victory at the polls this week. Can you...

    Another "revolutionary" poseur speaks (but you need to work on your rhetoric and use "hip terminology" used by all the other hipsters! HA! "Change from Within" did it! More like the special interest unions and there 3 to one mony ratio did... so much for your feeling of isolationist...
  2. R

    REPUBLICANS, why are you complaining about the Occupation Wall Street rallies,...

    What part of them represents a "conservative viewpoint"? You can't name it anymore than you can PROVE IT: name a "liberal" corporation or person they have demonstrated at like they did at Murdoch's house or the Americans for Prosperity rally. None. Zero. But then your last statement says...
  3. R

    Do people on here that complain about either Democrats or Republicans

    I am probably one of those on the right whom you hypocritically complain about complaining but, in case you haven't noticed, there is indeed an "us against them" atmosphere but it isn't bred through "ignorance" but harsh reality; the left has been destroying every tenet that is America, the most...
  4. R

    Conservatives are opposing the use of food stamps at KFC and Taco Bell! When will...

    How does using charity at expensive fast food places "racism"? Michelle Obama is famously trying to make everything fattening illegal so you hail one position while extolling the other! Everyone already knows that fast food menus are FATTENING so it seems to me the real 'outrage' should be...
  5. R

    Is it a wonder that the GOPers aren't Bashing Gloria Cain yet?

    So what? Apparently, you are the only one who sees letters after names! What's your thoughts on James Carville's wife (as if anyone cares)?
  6. R

    Why does OWS have to stay the night?

    Actually, the homeless can just join in since they apparently dress similarly... What they call 'protest', we called CAMPING when I was a kid!
  7. R

    Why is anyone surprised that 99 percent of the 99 percent of OWS turned?

    At least they aspire to be something besides what they really are by putting that valuble education to good use: poseurs playing revolutionary.
  8. R

    Beck ranted about "world government" (that's what "NWO" is) for 2 years,

    I hate to break it to you: Jody Foster does not love you and "Catcher in the Rye" is not about YOU either!
  9. R

    @ Obama's big meet with CEOs u think he said "Some of my best friends are

    Perhaps these corporate heads (none, I see, representing oil, steel, or manufacturing) should beware there was another famous meeting held once between two avowed, polar opposites and all one of them got was most of Europe while the other a received merely an unfulfilled promise.
  10. R

    Refering to another question, aren't SOME Jewish Jokes Funny?

    I am not so sensitive but others may be especially since to tell this particular joke, there is really no reason whatsoever to make the participants "Rabbis"; they could be just people walking down the road.
  11. R

    Why do conservatives get angry at gay couples' PDA, but not straight couples?

    I suppose in this little gay-basher fantasy of yours that "those Conservatives" also beat them and forced them to wear gold stars after tattooing serial numbers on their left wrists? Really, if your are going to dabble in divisive non sequitur, at least make it PLAUSIBLE.
  12. R

    What's the big deal about tax hikes anyways, when Clinton raised them the economy

    Government was smaller then but, if you feel the need to contribute your own money to feed the bloated pig that is government today, go right ahead! Just leave the rest of us out of it... I don't know if it's a saying but "if it doesn't work at home, it won't work in government"! Try this...
  13. R

    Do people like the Koch Brothers who bankroll the Tea Party and tell them what to...

    If this is true then people like George Soros (Move On), Mary Kay Henry (SEIU), and James Rucker (Color of Change) laugh with them... But the difference would be that, cut off the funding for the TEA Party, it will continue to exist since it is founded principle and the ideals of the PEOPLE...
  14. R

    Why does Obama still smoke when he knows it has a fairly high likelihood of...

    NO, since I had to finally quit after Obama passed an increased tax on cigarettes to pay for ScHIPS in April 2009, it proves that only the rich can afford to continue to enjoy a bad [taxed] habit like smoking and eating fried shrimp sandwiches in Martha's Vineyard...
  15. R

    Do conservatives want to sabotage Democracy, so they can introduce an

    Both an "aristocracy" or a "theocracy", if practiced fairly for the good of the people, would be alot better than the narcissistic oligarchic dirigisme we have under Obama rule! The problem with people like you is that you ignore the contributions of and wish to castigate the very people who...
  16. R

    Now that kids are too fat to be sent to war to protect corporate...

    So let me get this right: liberal wusses like yourself eliminate competitive sports because it hurts "little Johnny's feelings" and then complain when Johnny gets fat from inactivity and then blame the conservatives? True liberal misdirection (and paranoia) all displayed in one weak, ignorant...
  17. R

    Why do conservatives like Glenn Beck think it's funny to "joke" about...

    Your sense of selective outrage is the poison... it only matters when a conservative does it [he's a libertarian BTW but I guess they're the target this time anyways]. Did you missed the episode where he made fun of the Radke's by using Barbie and Chrissy dolls. Does that offend you, too...
  18. R

    We own 65% of Chrysler? What does that really mean?

    Unpatriotic because I own a Ford...
  19. R

    Isn't it fun to watch the Republicans whine and moan here every day?

    "Quite redundant, but sometimes amusing"? Do you have any Grey Poupon? "I can imagine" the same little red-faced, foot-stomping occurred when ever you mention "Bush" to any of you. Think of it this way and be thankful: it keeps people like me off the tops of clock towers so people like you...
  20. R

    Isn't it suspicious Americans are advised not to travel to Somalia? What don't they

    That's the spirit! I suggest you go there by way of one of the Gulf States and see for yourself. When you get there, tell them you're an American Libertarian looking for a free-market, small government, with zero regulation paradise the US government is lying to you about and, after they...