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  1. U

    Obama cover up of Crashergate begins. Why won't he let Desiree Rogers speak?

    I think you have answered your own question and did a very good of it.
  2. U

    Was the economic crisis created by central banking and fiat or fee market economics?

    It was created by Clinton, Franks, and Dodd when they started making the banking industry make sub par loans on houses to people who couldn't afford them. Bush gave several speechs on this subject early in his first term. He said it would leed to problems and it did. For those who want to blame...
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    Some people at school call me a homo.?

    Uhhh, tell him to f*ck off? Or simply tell him that if he keeps his sh*t up that you'l knock him out? Standing up for yourself will solve your problem, otherwise your simply a walking target, let them know you wont be f*cked with.