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  1. K

    What is your audiophile car?

    it means you have a pile a audio or u full a audio in a pile
  2. K

    What religion is more tolerant? (Christianity, Islam, or Judaism)?

    ISLAM it teaches you everything you need quit looking @ CNN for your information i suggest u actually meet some Muslims u will find out they r way more tolerant that u might think the right wing christians you see preaching on TV and some of the local ones who are teaching FEAR mongering to...
  3. K

    How much would you say my car is worth pictures included?

    Boriqui mami lol people just trying to get a deal that's all the people that offering 300+$ r junk yards just re list the car for about $950 & u get bout $875 or 800 rember the car is 14 yrs old so don't xpect too much good luck
  4. K

    What type of SUV vehicle that is big, cheap, and saves gas?

    LOL.What type of SUV vehicle that is big, cheap, and saves gas? U r too much girl wher u come up wit dis question some body tell u to ask dis question rite…
  5. K

    To The Logical Christian...if there is such a thing..?

    God knows and you don't know, gods plan . for God is all mighty all knowing and humans cannot comprend gods plan because god did not give us this supream know how to understand his plan for now just be happy god is mericfull to you…