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  1. M

    World Series trivia for those who don't look up the answers?

    Hmm... Mike Schmidt Cal Ripken, Jr. Jim Palmer Eddie Murray Tony Perez? Pretty sure Joe Morgan was part of the Reds reunion tour, too... Was Goose Gossage in there somewhere? EDIT- Six for seven. Forgot *Spoiler played so long.
  2. M

    Poll: Do you think people are too politically correct nowadays?

    Wait, you're against Political Correctness AND Republicans?!
  3. M

    Anyone else annoyed by people with Family Guy humor?

    What's Family Guy humor, exactly? Does your English teacher say stuff like, 'Ted, yours was the worst essay I've ever seen since I had Mike Tyson as a student.' And then he just pauses for 30-45 seconds, not saying anything?
  4. M

    Baseball Trivia for the kids?

    Willie Hernandez in 1984 and Denny McLain in 1968. (Hal Newhouser won two MVP Awards in 1944/1945- assuming that there had BEEN a Cy Young Award, he would have won them.) Do you realize that since 1941, the Tigers have five MVP Awards, ALL OF THEM given to pitchers? And I know this because I...
  5. M

    In 8th grade someone starts a rumor about me making them a man! What do I do?

    Well...You could come up to him one time while he's hanging with his friends and say he got you pregnant. If the Maury Povich Show has taught me ANYTHING, a guy will always claim he's never even 'met' a girl if she says he got her pregnant.
  6. M

    Easy Trivia: What do Ken Griffey Jr. and Stan Musial have in common?

    I had no idea that Musial and Griffey, Jr were born in the same small Pennsylvania town. My mind has been blown. BQ: Musial, barely.
  7. M

    What is the weirdest or funniest conversation or argument you have ever had?

    In US Government class in High School, we were talking about US Citizenship. Teacher mentioned that the fule that the child of US citizens, born outside of the country, is refered to as something as 'Blood Citizenship,' or something like that. Anyway, point is, the kid's an American because he...
  8. M

    What are your predictions for America's team, the SF Giants, for 2012?

    If Posey is back to form next season, and Melky Cabrera doesn't revert to mediocrity, the Giants should contend. But unless they make a big offensive signing (resign Beltran, sign Rollins, etc), there's a good chance they won't make the playoffs.
  9. M

    how come Taco Bell wont hire mexican workers?

    That's because Mexicans will alter the food and try to make REAL Mexican food.
  10. M

    Who's LEAST deserving of the HOF, Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, or Pete Rose?

    Pete Rose. He 'knew' what gambling would do. He knew he'd get banned for life. Unless he'd never heard of the Black Sox... Clemens and Bonds both broke the law, but so did EVERY player who took steroids, or amphetamines for that matter. In fact, Barry Bonds might 'not' have broken the law, if he...
  11. M

    Do you think Roger Maris AL SS home run record will ever be broken ?

    'Ever' is a LONG TIME, but I don't see anyone breaking it anytime soon. I would say Jose Bautista, Miguel Cabrera and Prince Fielder (if he signs with an AL team) have the best shots at breaking it, but I still don't think they will.
  12. M

    Trivia time: What is the only MLB franchise to have never WON NOR LOST 100 games

    in season? There are some teams that have never won 100 games. There are some teams that have never LOST 100 games. But only one team has never won 100 games or more while never losing 100 games or more. Can you guess which one it is? Guesses only, no looking it up.
  13. M

    Does any one else find ESPN's baseball season predictions funny?

    You know it's not just ESPN, right? CBS Sports had the Red Sox winning the AL East, the Braves the NL Wild Card: Fox Sports had the Red Sox and Braves make the postseason...
  14. M

    MLB Trivia Do not look up answer?

    Jamie Moyer?
  15. M

    I have two Barry Bonds Rookie Cards?

    I would look it up on some baseball card website, they would know.
  16. M

    TRIVIA: What does Barry Bonds, Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, and Alex...

    They all share the same initials: P.E.D.! That or they're all All-Stars, have all reached certain milestones (like 450 Homers or something), all played in the 90s-2000s, etc. But the first answer is clever.
  17. M

    For those complaining about Ortiz (or whoever) being in the AS game...

    ...because it's a popularity contest? ...You ARE aware that, aside from the starting 9, ALL the players on the rosters are selected by THE MANAGER? So, Vlad Guerrero-voters. David Ortiz-Joe Girardi. Don't get me wrong, I think the managers made some mistakes, and I think the fans DO vote for...
  18. M

    how can i be more funny?

    How is that funny?