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  1. V

    Do you keep the protective sleeve that some DVD movies come in?

    When I buy movie DVD's, sometimes they have a 'protective sleave' over the DVD case. This sleeve usually has the same movie graphics as the actual DVD case, and sometimes it's a bit different (snazzier). My question is, do you keep the sleeve? Or do you throw it away?
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    What's your prediction for the outcome of the GSP vs. Koscheck fight at UFC...

    ...124 in Montreal? Who do you think will win, in what round, and how will the fight end?
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    Need advice on the order to watch the Avatar's Collector edition DVD...?

    I got the Avatar's Collector DVD the other day and I'm excited to watch it! It has three versions of the movie - the original theatrical release, the special edition release (8 min additional footage), and the collector's DVD edition (16 min additional footage). I'm going to watch either the...
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    Which wrestler do you think has higher potential in Hollywood - The Rock or John

    Cena? There have been other wrestlers who were in movies (Roddy Piper, Hulk Hogan, Kane, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin), but I think The Rock was the first one to make a genuine transition into movies from wrestling. I'd say he's had the most success thus far in being in Hollywood style...
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    Which celebrity today has the most fame in the world?

    Who is the most famous at this time, from any arena (movies, sports, politics, television, etc.)?
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    Who do you think will win at UFC 118 - James Toney vs. Randy Couture?

    It's a lot of pressure because each man is representing their sport (Boxing vs. MMA). This looks like a good PPV, lots of good matches including the rematch between BJ Penn vs. Frankie Edgar.
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    Who do you think will win at UFC 118 - James Toney vs. Randy Couture?

    It's a lot of pressure because each man is representing their sport (Boxing vs. MMA). This looks like a good PPV, lots of good matches including the rematch between BJ Penn vs. Frankie Edgar.
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    Did Alberto Del Rio use a MMA move to beat Rey Mysterio?

    That was like an arm bar that you see in those MMA fights. What do you think of that finisher?
  9. V

    Did Alberto Del Rio use a MMA move to beat Rey Mysterio?

    That was like an arm bar that you see in those MMA fights. What do you think of that finisher?
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    Who drives the big Hollywood machine that churns out numerous stars and then

    spits them out (most of them)? In Hollywood, people who become celebrities are usually put on a pedestal (of varying heights). Then, for a lot of them, they're brought down and usually never heard from again. I think this happens because the Hollywood industry (movies and TV) is so big, that...
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    What's your opinion of having female refs in the UFC?

    On the Ultimate Fighter finale for the earlier matches, there was a female ref. What do you think of this? Do you think ref should be male? Inside the octagon is no place for a female. No sexist, it's just the way it is. Do you agree? You need a male ref presence - it has to be.
  12. V

    What's your opinion of having female refs in the UFC?

    On the Ultimate Fighter finale for the earlier matches, there was a female ref. What do you think of this? Do you think ref should be male? Inside the octagon is no place for a female. No sexist, it's just the way it is. Do you agree? You need a male ref presence - it has to be.
  13. V

    What's your opinion of having female refs in the UFC?

    On the Ultimate Fighter finale for the earlier matches, there was a female ref. What do you think of this? Do you think ref should be male? Inside the octagon is no place for a female. No sexist, it's just the way it is. Do you agree? You need a male ref presence - it has to be.
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    Are you beginning to see the blurring of the lines between MMA and WWE?

    Watching Strikeforce, in the last match between Henderson and Shields, how they walked down the ramp alone and they had like small fireworks. Then, after Shields won when he was being interviewed, that rival Mayhem Millar came to the ring to get in Shield's face, and a brawl ensued. This is...
  15. V

    Who are the people that stand at the side of the luge/bobsled/skeleton track

    cheering and ringing bells? I see people standing at the middle parts of the track cheering and ringing cowbells. But, those sports go so fast they must only see the athletes whiz by for a second or two. Are these real fans? Or, are they paid by the organizer of the Olympics to stand there...
  16. V

    Better Sci-Fi trilogy The Matrix or Star Wars?

    It's a tough call. If it was the old Star Wars (episodes 4,5,6) then I would say Star Wars hands down. But if it's the newer Star Wars (episodes 1,2,3) then I'd have to give the edge the Matrix trilogy (especially because the first Matrix was so good).