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  1. W

    Culturally Speaking - Is this funny or just plain wrong?

    I hope he is wearing steel toed boots because if he trips he will snap a toe clean off.
  2. W

    Does Charlie Rangell have the sweetest deal in DC?

    Bastille Day is coming for these types of trangressions. I dearly hope that Nancy is around to reap the rewards of her actions by the time it rolls around.
  3. W

    Why do Americans constantly argue about which color is the best?

    And surely the rest of the world understands by now that we really don't give a flying f*ck what they think. Enjoy your Coke.
  4. W

    Do you agree that the Japanese are the true "whites" lol?

    Who eats raw meat more than the Japanese? That seems a silly thing to say. I have nothing against the Japanese. The Ainu of Japanese look strangely similar to Europeans.