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  1. V

    Should Catholic parishioners be asked to foot the bill for clerical sex

    Honestly, I don't really think it's the Catholic Church's responsibility. Arguably, they could have had better screening or been able to keep a better eye on their officials. But... If an employee of a major corporation turned out to be a pedophile, it would not fall to the major corporation to...
  2. V

    what are some religions historically or contemporary who couldn't tolerate each...

    The Osirian and Set cults in ancient Egypt. Westboro Baptist Church versus EVERYBODY else. Apparently no one wanted to tolerate the Sikhs which lead them into the "warrior for God" mentality (which I'm not condemning them or blaming them for).
  3. V

    Why does my not respecting Judaism, or Jewish dominance of the media and

    What Jews control the government? Anyway, there's nothing wrong with disliking anybody. But I don't see all this conspiracy stuff as holding water, especially in such a system as a democratic republic presents.
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    Why do Atheists and Christians sit around and argue all day?

    Is it the bigots on both sides? I know there are bigots on both sides, so don't act innocent. Are you both so hell bent on "saving" the other one that you have to make each other crazy? Seriously, why? Why not just give it a rest? "Debate" is a word suggesting something based in logic and...
  5. V

    Why do Atheists and Christians sit around and argue all day?

    Is it the bigots on both sides? I know there are bigots on both sides, so don't act innocent. Are you both so hell bent on "saving" the other one that you have to make each other crazy? Seriously, why? Why not just give it a rest? "Debate" is a word suggesting something based in logic and...
  6. V

    Do I need to be a Christian to join the Aryan Brotherhood?

    I thought they did. I seem to recall stories of a number of Pagan tattoos and ideas. Kind of following Himmler's example in a way. But I could have my white-supremacist groups confused.