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  1. D

    So when the courts consider atheism a religion, its somehow is now?

    I often hear some theists say atheism is a religion because the courts said so, even when it doesn't fit the definition of a religion: Religion: A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of life and the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a supernatural...
  2. D

    For those of you that gave up religion, why did you do it?

    The idea of gods and magic are imaginary.
  3. D

    Why does everyone blame white male american christians for all the problems in...

    Ummm..... not all of us do that, a**hole.
  4. D

    Atheists: If you haven't traveled to each and every one of the 17000000000

    So we should believe in things because they can't be disproved, huh?
  5. D

    Atheists, Christians, or anyone else, what do you think of this quote?

    "Responsibility lies not just in doing what needs to be done, but deciding what that is in the first place."
  6. D

    Atheists, Christians, or anyone else what do you think of this?

    50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God I'm an atheist, by the way.
  7. D

    Why do theists claim things without evidence?

    "No matter how positively you think you know it, if you can’t show it, then you don’t know it, and you shouldn’t say that you do."
  8. D

    Poll: Are you religious, spiritual, agnostic or atheist?

    Atheist. Technically, an Agnostic Apatheistic Atheist
  9. D

    Does prophecies actually prove the bible is from god?

    I'm an Atheist. I'm curious.
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    How do you explain Bible prophecy, just dismiss it ?

    Biblical prophecies debunked
  11. D

    if i hate atheists, does that make me a christian?

    No, you're an anti-atheist, I guess.