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  1. I

    Porsche Boxster vs Corvette Stingray vs Chevy Camaro, Who would win ?

    The Boxter is just a better car overall. It's mechanically and technologically superior.
  2. I

    Why do people on here complain about media bias?

    What ever happened to not watching or listening to networks/shows that you don't like or that you disagree with? Why do so many, from both sides of the political aisle feel that they need to quiet the opposition instead of letting others have their views even though they may differ?
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    How do i meet up with people in DC Universe online for PS3?

    People still play this abortion of a game? Well, I guess that it's better than WOW. But, then again, being poked in the eye with a sharp stick would be better than WOW, so that's not saying much for DCUO.
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    What happens if you try and play a game of the wrong region in a ps2?

    It tells you that it is the wrong region and does not play.
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    My laptop can't run League of Legends (LoL)?

    Norton is a HUGE resource hog, I don't run it on any of my computers. Now, when you say that your computer has "990 MB total", are you talking ram, HD space? If it is ram (which yes, that would be a VERY odd number to be showing up) then that would be a major problem. What I would do is go to...
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    Will banks face any consumer setback with their newly introduced fees?

    They absolutely will. I withdrew my money from two banks that instituted fee's and consolidated my accounts to one bank. While they have the right to institute these fee's, we have the right to no longer do business with them.
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    problem with a PC game?

    First, take and pay attention while in an English class. *SIGH* Second, good, this is what you get when you steal games. Nothing worse than a fucking thief that is too stupid to use what they stole.
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    Will you teach your kids religion or no?

    Since I cannot find a woman blind or desperate enough to breed with me, it is a moot point.
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    So basically, in order to make some people happy here, I would have to ask exactly

    What are you whining about? Sheesh, how come every fucking time you post on here, you have to be such a drama queen. Honestly, nobody here thinks that you are that important, and nobody on here gives a $hit what you post, think or who you fuck.
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    Fox says Mr. Rogers is evil?

    Actually a university said that the message that he sent to children was wrong, and the evil comment is called sarcasm.
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    will DC universe ever be on mac?

    I don't believe that it is. There are so many damn problems with it on playstation and pc that you probably don't want it on mac. But, you can always just partition and install windows on your mac and play it from the windows side. But, it's not worth the money. They were having major...
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    Why do men casually joke about this ?

    When did 30's become older??? Oh, and you should maybe think about learning how to spell. Why anyone would want to make a baby with someone that is illiterate is beyond me, but maybe they were drinking.
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    Does God have a sense of humour?

    Absolutely. Two things that prove it, the Duck Billed Platypus, and my life.
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    Historically the Catholic church has claimed moral superiority does that mean they...

    ...have an obligation to share? What I am driving at is this: With that claimed moral superiority do they have a moral obligation to open the Vatican archives and share with any who would want to view them, the books, works of art and other information that they keep locked away?
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    Spiritually speaking do you have a sense of humor?

    That depends on the situation.
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    My sister done divorced me. Now she wants to take mah trailer. She already got...

    How is that vote for Obama working out for you?