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  1. I

    What do you think of this freestyle....bullet proof hoody....circa a better rapper lol?
  2. I

    Have you ever argued with advice?

    Has suicide ever encouraged you
  3. I

    What is this brief introduction it an okay intro for a two page it short/concise :)? Human relationships and our patterns of social interactions are the cornerstone of the majority of our social institutions. This is made evident by the methods in which we develop, test and implement a wide variety of initiatives that work towards the...
  4. I

    Does anyone see the humor in this?

    Lady Justice is blindfolded right...but she has a sword in her how does she know that she is protecting the right people?
  5. I

    Does it humor you that people believe that they can provide an accurate assessment...

    ...of what a persons intention? are just by reading their question. Do I look trustworthy? Why or why not? Do you think that this question was racially motivated....