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  1. C

    Do good leaders whine about their opponents, ruin their countries economy, &

    I am interested in who Hubama will blame for the past four years.
  2. C

    Are cons aware that scientists agree that the earth warms and cools...

    Why do you hang your every wet dream on scientist that have been paid well to continue the "man made" hoax". If you believe that it is man's fault then do your part to help out. Stop breathing out all that evil carbon dioxide or even better just leave the planet.
  3. C

    Why is anyone surprised that 99 percent of the 99 percent of OWS turned?

    Surprised? I thought that was a prerequisite.
  4. C

    Telling others about Christ?

    Live by example and let her come to you.
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    Christians, hell deniers, and soul sleep proponents, what does Jesus reveal in

    That God is not the God of the dead and dieing(spiritually) mainly because they reject Him.
  6. C

    Was Jesus black or white or albino? Revelation 1;14?

    Was? Jesus IS olive skinned. The verse you are posting is in the great white throne judgment.
  7. C

    if the body of christ is holy....?

    It's getting hot in here.
  8. C

    Religion has convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky..?

    There will be no end of time in eternity.
  9. C

    How is Jesus Christ and how can i know Him?

    Pick up a bible and read it.
  10. C

    Thiests: How could you argue with one of the most intelligent people on the planet?

    He is only on this planet because God made the planet for humans. He is only intelligent because you are comparing him to yourself. Get at least a tid bit of a clue please.
  11. C

    Christians Adam and Eve question?

    Genesis 1 is not really the problem. It's in Exodus that God fully intended for them to understand 6 literal days.
  12. C

    Christians Adam and Eve question?

    Genesis 1 is not really the problem. It's in Exodus that God fully intended for them to understand 6 literal days.
  13. C

    Jehovahs Witnesses,have you ever met anybody living forever in a Paradise Earth?

    When someone leaves the J W s does that mean they go back to 139,999?
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    Do atheists know they are fulfilling prophecies every day?

    I doubt if they would realize it. If they ever cracked a bible, they would know that they were.
  15. C

    Is the Christian God OK with divorce under certain circumstances?

    You are ok. God forgives. I doubt He would want you to remain in an abusive situation. If God is anything (which He is everything) He is practical..
  16. C

    Can i sell an Atheists Bed Time Story ?When do you think the it will be popular?

    Isn't that what they already indoctrinate our children with in school?
  17. C

    How can Bible prophecy readers use the ignorance of the writers when it...

    actually all of it was mentioned and warned about. Idols