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  1. H

    Doesn't the existence of spies between two nations mean they're in a state of war?

    Everyday we hear of an American spy in Russia. How come the USA and Russia still? Why is such a thing taken very lightly? It's like the two countries mutually agree of having spies, unless they get caught.
  2. H

    What percentage of illnesses and death is linked to our dietary habits?

    Isn't it strange how little we think about our diets, when it's the main reason for our health deterioration?
  3. H

    Do British people have a weird sense of humour?

    They find Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean) funny.
  4. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  5. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  6. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  7. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  8. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  9. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  10. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  11. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  12. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  13. H

    The predictions were right? Spain and Holland in the last four?

    Spain and Holland were the favorites this year. The only surprise was Uruguay, and Germany to some extent, since the team is young and inexperienced.
  14. H

    Spain was predicted by most to win the world cup. Should football experts...

    ...quit their stupid predictions? Most football experts had their bets on Spain.
  15. H

    Should experts throw their predictions in the bin?

    Most experts were predicting that Spain will win this world cup. And now they lose to Switzerland. If they can't beat a second-degree team, how the hell will they be able to face Germany or Brazil or Holland? Isn't it time we stop listening to the analysts and their stupid predictions? The...
  16. H

    Should experts throw their predictions in the bin?

    Most experts were predicting that Spain will win this world cup. And now they lose to Switzerland. If they can't beat a second-degree team, how the hell will they be able to face Germany or Brazil or Holland? Isn't it time we stop listening to the analysts and their stupid predictions? The...
  17. H

    Should experts throw their predictions in the bin?

    Most experts were predicting that Spain will win this world cup. And now they lose to Switzerland. If they can't beat a second-degree team, how the hell will they be able to face Germany or Brazil or Holland? Isn't it time we stop listening to the analysts and their stupid predictions? The...