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  1. C

    Why do haters of faith come in here to rant and mock the faithful, and God, if...

    I personally get on well with just about everyone, religious or not. I put forward my views on religious beliefs and I read those of others. I know that those with deeply held religious beliefs aren't going to change, and it isn't my intention to get them to change. However, it does show that...
  2. C

    Hey christians. Is it true that there is a female God in the bible ?...

    The word interpreted as a title of God in genesis 1 is Elohim. The writers of Genesis probably pictured the Elohim as manlike in appearance. The Elohim are the sons of El in the Canaanite pantheon. They were ruled by El Elyon (God Most High), and later by Hadad the rain god, who is generally the...
  3. C

    Do you agree that we see the stage set for the remaining endtime Bible

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbour...
  4. C

    How do you get two of every Animal on a boat?

    God instructs Noah to build an ark to contain his family and at least one male and one female of every species of animal, so that the world can be repopulated after the Flood. There are some discrepancies in the story suggesting two different writers: for example, in Genesis 6:19 God tells Noah...
  5. C

    stories of prophecies in the bible, being fulfilled in later stories in the

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbour...
  6. C

    “Think of how many religions attempt to validate themselves with prophecy. Think...

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbour...
  7. C

    Is God being formal when He waits for a prophecy in order to get something done?

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbour...
  8. C

    Is God being formal when He waits for a prophecy in order to get something done?

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbour...
  9. C

    ATHEISTS: Do you all know that you all are fulfilling the prophecy of the end times?

    The prophecies in Revelation were expected to happen within the lifetimes of those living at the time, the 1st or 2nd century CE, followed by 1,000 years. They just didn't happen, although believers push them further and further into the future to other times, when they continue not to happen.
  10. C

    For those of you that gave up religion, why did you do it?

    I was religious from childhood, and have always been interested in religions, mythology and science; I was a devout, practising Catholic; I read the Bible, both Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, several times; and was taught about it in school. After studying and thinking deeply about...
  11. C

    Why do you believe / disbelieve the End Times (“Armageddon”) prophecy?

    The prophecies in Revelation were expected to happen within the lifetimes of those living at the time, the 1st or 2nd century CE, followed by 1,000 years. They just didn't happen, although believers push them further and further into the future to other times, when they continue not to happen.
  12. C

    What would Christianity/Judaism be like if everyone read the Bible without any

    I'm sure a lot would be shocked and upset to read many of the contents.
  13. C

    Are there any instances of Jesus laughing or finding anything humorous in the Bible?

    John 11:35 and Luke 19:41 - "Jesus wept" Not quite what you asked for, but it displays some kind of emotion...
  14. C

    Ex-Christians, how long did you stick it out in Christianity before leaving?

    I was religious as a child, and have always been interested in religions, mythology and science. I realised in mid-teenage that faith was based upon nothing but itself, that science explained nature satisfactorily without needing supernatural beings, and that religious beliefs were no...
  15. C

    What prophecies have yet to be fulfilled in Christianity?

    Bible prophecies need to be read in the context of the times in which they were written. They generally take the form of warnings of catastrophe if the people to whom they are addressed don't change their ways - usually adopting the religion or culture of people they live among or neighbour...
  16. C

    Would Lott's incestuous relationship with his daughters make a good Sunday school...

    Why not? It is the Bible, after all, and it tells us how to lead our lives (or so those who've hardly read it tell us). After the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot and his two daughters take refuge in a cave in the hills (Genesis 19:30). The daughters are concerned that they will not find...
  17. C

    Did Jesus complete the prophecy, to become king of all Jews?

    The gospels portray Jesus in various ways: Compassionate (healing ministry - one of many "healers" at the time), angry and aggressive (calling Pharisees "Hypocrites" etc, attacking the tradesmen in the temple, and so on), and even initially uncompassionate (the Syro-Phoenician woman, for...