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    Christians: Why doesn't God heal these people?

    When you pick up your TV remote and try to turn on your tv but nothing happens do you just believe it should work and keep pressing the power button like an idiot for hours and hours or do you use reasoning and check the batteries? That's your answer.
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    what are the maya prophecies for this 2012?

    No-one knows for sure what they say. It's a long dead language that people can only geuss at (and I'm sure many of their geusses are correct.) The 2012 thing has been described as then end of the world or the end of a season, or the end of an era, or the fall of a civilization. But of course...
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    What does chicken taste like?

    Like everything else.
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    What does chicken taste like?

    Like everything else.
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    Are we living in an age where religion is soon diminishing?

    Nothing lasts forever, tribal peganism becomes state peganism, state peganism becomes, nation peganism, nation peganism becomes abrehamic religion, abrehamic religion becomes athiesm. Religion changes as new facts of life disprove old ways of thinking.
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    Are we living in an age where religion is soon diminishing?

    Nothing lasts forever, tribal peganism becomes state peganism, state peganism becomes, nation peganism, nation peganism becomes abrehamic religion, abrehamic religion becomes athiesm. Religion changes as new facts of life disprove old ways of thinking.