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  1. Y

    guys would you vacation with a female friend?

    •Im very career driven girl. While im only a 20 year old college student, I already run and operate a business I founded, I'm starting a tech/business organization at my college, and I'm starting a large hi-tech company this January. In my free time im either working or studying, even out of...
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    why do i laugh when highly distressed or sad?

    I think i may have depression, yet it all comes out in laughter. screwed.
  3. Y

    Is this lame? College student that doesn't drink lol?

    I don't drink like some of my friends or smoke weed. I just really don't want to disappoint my Mom. She tells me I'm a good kid and she's proud of me and stuff now ever since this quarter of me being a university freshman. I've always felt I could never top my siblings and felt a bit jealous...
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    Do you laugh too much?

    I think I Like sometimes ill be in my dorm room alone laughing my head off at things. I think of things that make me laugh a lot, or people make me laugh easily. Also when texting I ended up laughing a lot. I read some of the question and answers on yahoo answers and it makes me...
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    what type of sense of humor do i have?

    Alot of people say Im funny, unique, random, or a dork, lol. People have told me I brighten their day. I can make alot of people laugh when Im at ease. Though sometimes I say something and make people laugh but I have to think about why afterwards as I was only making an observation or...
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    So I joke around alot?

    Is it a turn off or annoying to joke alot? I dont tell 'jokes' but make alot of witty comments when talking to someone for a laugh. I deliver them in a dead-pan manner before laughing. I never make fun of anyone though. Alot of people have told me Im funny, random or silly. When with a guy I...
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    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  8. Y

    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  9. Y

    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
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    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  11. Y

    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  12. Y

    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  13. Y

    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  14. Y

    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  15. Y

    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  16. Y

    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  17. Y

    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  18. Y

    travel with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  19. Y

    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...
  20. Y

    traveling with one friend or more?

    Should I backpack across europe with just one really good friend, or would it be better with more? Im concerned with too many it would be conflict of interest. I dont really know his other friends and he doesnt really know mine, but he's still my closet friend and we wanna go traveling...