Search results

  1. K

    Prediction for WWE Championship at Survivor Series?

    i think so the miz is walking out with the wwe one way or another
  2. K

    how do wrestlers afford to travel?

    they pay for it them selves i believe
  3. K

    wat do you think abt the new cena dvd ?

    i am not a cena fan and i hate i am not getting it
  4. K

    How Many Wrestling DVD's do You Own?

    abt 100-200 i don't know but i got a lot bq hbk my journey bq2 both i will say bq3 nope all the dvds i wated
  5. K

    what's your predictions for raw?

    nexus beat up big show and herny
  6. K

    It is your job to make a DVD about the greatest matches from 2000-2010 from the WWE?

    undertaker vs hbk brock vs rock stone cold vs rock wm 19 eddie vs brock brock vs big show eddie vs jbl undertaker vs hhh hhh vs austin edge vs cena cena vs orton krut angle vs rock vs undertaker hogan vs hbk hbk vs hhh hiac flair vs hbk folay vs orton kane vs hhh rvd vs kane matt hardy vs...
  7. K

    when is the wwe going to do a randy orton dvd ?

    bq what should it be called ? bq2 what do you thing abt my new pic ?
  8. K

    wrestlemania 27 predictions?

    undertaker vs cean i quit winner the undertaker