Search results

  1. E

    PowerGen Mobile Juice Pack (External Battery Charger)?

    PowerGen Mobile Juice Pack (External Battery Charger)? I have an iPhone 4s, and the battery life sucks. But, alas, I'm stuck with it. I'm going on a trip in a couple of months, and I've been searching for an external battery charger for on-the-go travel. I've been looking at the PowerGen...
  2. E

    Need a converter to convert the coaxil cable from Dish network to an s-video or...

    So try RadioShack. They usually have odd things like that. Otherwise, try Amazon.
  3. E

    How early should I get in line at the Apple store to buy the Ipad 2 when

    ... Why bother? That's a collosal waste of time.
  4. E

    LG Ally Vs. I Phone 4 both from Verizon?

    I've heard that the iPhone 4 for Verizon sucks so far. I'd stick with a Droid if you're going smartphone touchscreen.
  5. E

    Does anyone know the names of the two old guys in the muppet show?

    They are Statler and Waldorf, the muppet hecklers.
  6. E

    What are some DVD built-in projectors that are not expensive?

    I'm not sure about buying them, but if you're still close to your college (or maybe still enrolled) you might be able to rent equipment from the college. You can probably pay a fee for library privileges at your college, which entitles you to borrow equipment. I borrowed projectors frequently...