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  1. S

    Judaism: What is the Jewish view toward atheists?

    I'm an atheist who lives in Texas and down here, I barely know of anyone who is Jewish...the few I've seen on TV say they are but it seems to be a reference to the culture they were raised in more than what they actually believe. There's only one I'm certain was on here and that was a few years...
  2. S

    Judaism or Christianity?

    Judaism & Hinduism are the oldest religions. Judaism started out heno theistic until it came across Zoroastrianism, then it becane mono theistic. Christianity was split from the beginning. There were those who believed Jesus was a metaphor example of humans and God intermixed, Paul's version was...
  3. S

    Christians, if you don't trust politicians anyway (I don't know anyone who does),?

    why do you care so much if they SAY they're Christian?