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  1. P

    Where in the Old Testament does it prophecy the Messiah will free people from...

    ...the Laws of Moses? or was that just something else Christians made up along the way?
  2. P

    What is the best way to "get right" with the gods?

    i don't wanna die before not having set matters straight with them
  3. P

    If you were trying to make a new classic American meal/dish, would you...

    no i wouldn't give a sh*t as long as it tasted good
  4. P

    Atheists, how can you ignore various bible prophecies that came true why...

    "prophecies" are usually written BEFORE the fact, not after (like in the bible)
  5. P

    Does it make you laugh when you hear morons say the Middle East should be

    According to the Cistercian writer Caesar of Heisterbach, one of the leaders of the Crusader army, at the siege of Béziers in 1209, when asked by a Crusader how to distinguish the Cathars from the Catholics, Arnaul Amalric answered: Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius (Kill them all...