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  1. M

    Atheist people in History VS Christian people in Histroy?

    Look, I've already figured out that none of that has anything to do with whether a God thingy actually exists, or not. Why haven't you? What is wrong with you that you don't understand that basic fact?
  2. M

    Could this have happened to Christ?

    "We all know that Christ was put on trial and was crucified on the cross by Pontius Pilate in the Passion." No, we don't. "However, three days later, he resurrected and returned to life before he ascended to heaven." No, He didn't. That's just something people want to believe so they don't...
  3. M

    Can Christians give blowjobs? (Not married)?

    Christianity generally demonizes anything and everything you might like more than its dogma. The Christians who disagree have not read their Bible.
  4. M

    Christians, what is a "fact" and how do your beliefs compare to facts?

    I just want to see if you understand what a fact is well enough to articulate it. Because, I'm beginning to think none of you has a clue about what a fact is. <---------- atheist "I wonder if you are asking whether God confirms His existence to us in reality. The answer is yes." No, I want to...
  5. M

    Was Jesus humble or arrogant?

    Is it humble or arrogant to hold yourself out to the world as the Son of God? What about pretending to speak for God? Is that humble or arrogant? <------------ atheist
  6. M

    People of all faiths: if you could sum up your religion in one sentence, how...

    Religion is a primitive form of government of the living by the dead and "God" is a power play, an attempt to steal the authority of an all powerful being.
  7. M

    What is the Atheist's response to prophecy?

    I generally laugh and point at "prophecy" - then, I make a few of my own to prove how easy it is.
  8. M

    What do you do as a christian?

    They are supposed to turn the other cheek, but they usually lash out with a threat or insult. Then, they excuse their abominable behavior by declaring that they are "not perfect, just forgiven." Then, they do it, again.
  9. M

    Is there an end time prophet or prophecy thereof that is believeable, be it

    How's this for a prophecy? God believers will be the death of us all. What do you think? Will it likely come true, or not?
  10. M

    Is loving your enemies taught in Judaism?

    It's a kind of stupid idea and totally unreaslistic. How often does that really happen, anyway?
  11. M

    Pork is prohibited in the Bible.Why do Christians EAT yet?

    Pork was proscribed in the Bible because it was observed that many people got ill when eating pork. They knew nothing of trichinosis, but they did know people got sick from eating pork. We learned later about trichinosis and how to avoid it by properly cooking the meat. Any superstitious...
  12. M

    What does God think of humor? What does the Bible have to say about humor?

    Is humor a sin? What things does the Bible say we can't laugh at?
  13. M

    Who comes back with the Christian Christ in the end of days to help fight Satan...

    Haven't you figured it out, yet? Satan is on God's payroll. Without Satan, why would anyone bother with God?