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  1. P

    Can I introduce my goldfish into a tank with algae?

    algae is great for the tank, great for the water quality and fine for the fish. Overfeeding doesn't happen from algae. any algae blocking your view can be wiped off, but if you don't mind the algae then leave it. The tank is way better with it. Most people overfeed and overclean their tank...
  2. P

    pictures of jesus christ!!!??......?

    Wow, how f'n original, a jesus tattoo. Why don't you get one of the man on the moon?
  3. P

    Why can't people just get along and not question other religions, races,

    Well that's very inclusive of you, and in comparison to most people it's an admirable way to be. That being said, it's time to be a little more careful about giving credence to groups that really believe that they, not you or me or any other religion, will take over the world. It's really like...
  4. P

    Isn't it funny how Xtians are _themselves_ the proof of Ameratsu's existence?

    Boy, that question is getting a lot of copy paste tonight.
  5. P

    I Believe Christ Died for My Sins and I Love Him ? Why are Evil Thoughts in

    Evil thoughts like killing puppies evil, or evil thoughts like touching yourself evil? They're worlds apart in the evil category. touching yourself gets you kind of sticky and tired out, killing puppies gets you hell.
  6. P

    Clearing Tar out of Lungs.?

    There are herbal supplements that claim to help respiratory function, but none work without stopping smoking. Also some people claim that certain items added to a vaporizer help, sage, eucalyptus and others; but not simple green. Stop smoking, some exercise, drink water, and eat healthier are...
  7. P

    i nearly got hit by a car driving the bike today on a motorway. fudge it was really

    I watched a car do a barrel roll over another car on our "motorway" and it occurred to me, that we shouldn't just die on the way to grandma's house, or work, or to the store. One minute you're on your way, the next you're splattered all over the hood of the car in front of you, and your car has...
  8. P

    Are there any REAL predictions that modern science backs up?

    No, nor do you have to prove any of it. Bad ancient poetry and fiction, does not have any predictions that relate to science.
  9. P

    ATHEISTS: Do you all know that you all are fulfilling the prophecy of the end times?

    Sweet, I'm looking for someone who will commit some indecent acts with me, and there should be many more in the coming end of days time. I'll be looking for you, call me.