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  1. F

    Why is it that Tim Tebow was hated on for being a Christian, but Jason Collins is

    Yet they are both out of a job...? Moral of the story: don't talk about religion, politics, or sexual affiliation.
  2. F

    How is Rebecca Black worse than alt-pop/pop-punk artists who complain like

    cr*p is cr*p doesnt matter who sings/writes it, if its cr*p, its cr*p shes no worse or better than any of the rest of the cr*p as you say, its not worse tho altpop/pop punk, whatver thopse lables are, are usually much more listentoable than some wee lassie, to anyone whos not a wee lassie
  3. F

    those interested in earths formation and history............................?

    ...................just watched "the story of earth" on nat geo anyone else amazed, ive watched a lot of these shows, but i was pleased, as a layman, they put it all together in one show, and showed slo mo ;-D anyway, my q is, does the chaos of early earth ever scare you? its so brutal...
  4. F

    Gary Neal for Rookie of the Year?

    Did you see that shot? Only 26 years old, for all of you that say the Spurs are old. ETA: Actually, Griffin just barely has passed Demarcus Cousins. FYI, Neal is currently #7. Griffin bandwagoners, please don't cry if he doesn't get it, m'kay?
  5. F

    the commandments dont you think they seem rather............................?

    .......self serving? the first 5 or so are about gods preferences that make him feel better the rest sound like they came from someone whos experienced these things and has issues withthem what do you think?
  6. F

    Atheists you know that your arguments prove nothing, yet you still continue you

    i dont, i ask and answer and debate that is why we are all here if you dont want peopel to be tormented, why not ask god to do away with that concept? sounds like a more reasonable and realistic thing to do
  7. F

    WHY!? do atheists come to r&s & then complain that they are being confronted?

    i dont complain, that im aware of i ask and answer qs, like eveyrone else im also not aware i say "no" to everything "offered" why am i here, cos yahoo made the site public, so everyone can be here, so they are woudlnt also your presense make you agnostic then? no, course not, your just here...
  8. F

    Atheists, do you find prophecies to be a fascinating subject?

    i used to, not so much nowadays, but i do still love a good made movie who doesnt? end of the world doesnt just mean religious people you know, we are all in the world after all
  9. F

    PLEASE HELP...What are good interesting topics/things to talk about with guys?...

    What do you know about his interests? The NCAA football finals are on. You could learn some fantasy football basics and talk about that. Do you like the same games or movies? Talk about the same things as you do on MSN.
  10. F

    how do i gracefully end this friends with benefits relationship with my coworker?

    You seem very capable of expressing your thoughts here. Just tell him. Use the ex getting in your face, if you have to, just end it.