Search results

  1. A

    Poll: have you ever skipped school?

    Nope. Never.
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    How much weight will a Infiniti 1998 QXR Roof hold?

    It's simple, your roof is going to dent. That's too much weight placed on the unsupported portions of the roof.
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    Do you think its funny when you log into Yahoo Answers and...?

    Just Yahoo being yahoo again. .
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    i had sex with my aunt?

    Yes by all means you have to come clean and tell your uncle. You'll never be able to sleep or face yourself in the mirror again if you don't clear your conscience. Ask for his forgiveness. .
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    How do you feel about PDA (Public Displays of Affection)?

    I can handle a little bit but that's all. I don't think it's necessary or in good taste to get too get carried away.
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    Polls and surveys: are you rooting for the steelers?

    GO STEELERS !!!!!!!!
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    POLL: How do you pronounce "tour"?

    Tour=tore .
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    Have you ever hitch hiked?

    Nope. I've always had a car. .