Search results

  1. T

    Mac Airbook or Ipad 2?

    I'm with Scott, the MacBook Air. (the iPad needs a computer anyway, can't run much software) In fact this guy gave up on the iPad and now uses a MacBook Air instead.
  2. T

    Why do my questions get deleted about Rogers?

    Your language most likely. Also it's a rant, not a question. Ask a question like "Is anyone else's Rogers service having this trouble or that trouble?" "What can I do to fix it?" Stuff like that, so it works here. And still gets your meaning across. :)
  3. T

    Using an iPad for work?

    No, and the Numbers program has compatibility problems with Excel, so your functions and layout won't transfer over correctly. Apple does stuff in funky, nontraditional ways as well, causing problems for files on other machines. Your better off with a Windows Tablet/PC device running Excel...
  4. T

    Should I buy a MacBook for iOS development or make a Hackintosh?

    What would you think Apple would do if it found out your using a hackintosh with the SDK? Don't you think they have thought of that? Likely your "app" gets denied for some ridiculous reason. Is that worth it? Also you don't have to buy OS X for a hackintosh, just if you want too. Apple still...
  5. T

    Why is my ipad not letting me add an app because "it requires a newer...

    Apple Stockholm Syndrome Effect. Wait until iPad 2.0 comes out and you can't update the iPad iOS to take advantage of the new app versions. ;) Oh, you can't afford to keep up? Guess your not our type of customer anymore. That's this new Apple.
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    Im sad because i wanted an 32 gb and reveived an 8 gb itouch 4g :( what can i do?

    Apple's trap, you knew better, but your parents didn't or perhaps they couldn't spend that much. eBay it and buy the one you want, they likely won't know the difference.
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    HELP! HELP! HELP! How do I delete words on iPad?

    Apple being way too helpful that it's annoying. Wouldn't it be ah so nice to be able to hit the command line or install a simple hack to turn that annoying behavior off? Like you can on a open computer like a Mac? Alas, the iPad is a closed device, you suffer in Apple iOS hell. PS I'm a 20...
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    How can a private torrent tracker identify which user is downloading a torrent file?

    If they told you how, then people would cheat.
  9. T

    is there any apple products repair shop in australia?

    You mean one that isn't in six feet of water with croc's and snakes swimming around inside? :)
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    I downloaded a torrent and the sound is barely audible. Is there a way to fix this?

    You likely got one of the lemons the movie industry floods the p2p networks with. Else look at your system level sound settings, the program sound settings and the external speaker sound settings are all way up. check you audio plugs are all the way in.