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  1. S

    Do friends with kids stop mingling with their friends who DON'T have kids?

    It sounds like you may have to move on from this friend. A real friend would accept you for who you are and your place life even if it is different. I had a married with kids friend who at least made the effort with me to stay in touch. Friends that are married with kids may not be as...
  2. S

    How can I subconsiously will my room mates to do the dishes?

    When I lived with a roomate, I was responsible for my dishes and she was for hers. I did mine right away, she did not- so I had to gently remind her as fruit flies were hanging out more. When I was living with 5 other women, we had a rotated schedule as to having a different person in charge of...
  3. S

    to purchase nokia 7510 flip phone flat plate covers online?

    i've searched through many websites but still could not find any to buy. I've even tried the nokia website. Any suggestions for websites to purchase nokia 7510 phone flatplate covers?
  4. S

    I was interested in taking a trip to France someday but I heard the people

    It depends on the person. Some are and some are not. Sadly i've heard of some americans who said they were canadians instead... hopefully this won't happen to you. If so, just overlook any ignorance since not all americans are the same.